Illustrator & Concept Artist



I think it started when I was four, a love affair with dinosaurs which inspired my first fridge-worthy masterpiece of a sauropod. I’m sure the neck was longer than the tail and the thick pillar-like legs looked more like tree stumps, but I was completely hooked.

Crayola dinosaurs evolved into pencil sketches of dragons and other mythical creatures, until I started experimenting with a mouse and Microsoft Paint. It was the most basic expression of graphic design that evolved over the years to create an artistic framework which draws inspiration from the five elements of nature, with layers of light and etheric color in digital expression.

I’ve wanted to be artist for as long as I can remember and Drekasal Art & Design, in its purest form, is the intersection of where my passion for art meets a desire to share it. It’s not about becoming a brand, but rather a genuine expression of art as a representation of self.


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© Tessier-Ashpool S.A. All rights reserved.